The ROI Optimizer is one of the most important features that you can implement to understand the performance of your account.
What is it?
The ROI Optimizer is a pixel placed on your sales confirmation page; it relays sales data from leads originating from NexTag calculates the costs of leads and combines that information with your sales data, providing you with comprehensive reporting that includes: cost of marketing (COS), conversion rate, average order size, cost per order, total fees, and total revenue. ROI reporting paints a complete picture of your campaign – at a high level or as granular as the product level.
How do I install it?
To find instructions on how to install the ROI Optimizer, simply:
1) Log into your NexTag account
2) Click on “Implement ROI Optimizer” – the last link under Account Management
3) Select the ROI Optimizer you wish to install: Standard, Lite or Advanced (Standard is recommended)
4) Follow the instructions on the page
What reports will you be able to access?
View Clicks By Date
View Clicks By Date shows you high-level account performance on a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. Select your desired date range and view up to three months of data.
View Clicks By Product
This report displays top clicked-on products and their associated ROI. Use this report to see if your high-traffic SKUs are converting.
View Sales from NexTag
This report provides you with sales data from NexTag, including the time of the click out, the time of the purchase, and the amount of the sale.
Manage Bids by Product
Use this tool to set or change CPC rates and view product sales data like revenue and conversion rates. You can also search products by keyword.
Manage Bids by Category
You can search here by category to find associated sales, sales revenue, and conversion rates; you can also view and change CPCs and add a marketing message or logo.
Through these reports, you can identify – from the account level all the way down to the product level – which products/categories are performing well and may benefit from a bid increase. You can also identify products you might want to keep at the category minimum.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact
The NexTag Team